출처 : https://wccftech.com/apple-shipped-90-1-million-iphones-q4-2020/Apple Reportedly Shipped 90.1 Million iPhones in Q4, 2020, the Largest by Any Company in HistoryApple shipped nearly 100 million iPhones in Q4, 2020, becoming the first company in history to ship t…Wccftech – Omar Sohail / 2021-01-28
애플이 2020년 4분기에 출시된 아이폰 수를 공개했습니다.
무료 911만대….
아이폰 라인업의 다양함(SE, 급나누기 등등)이 큰 효과를 줬다고합니다.
2021년도에는 iPhone 생산을 최대 30%늘리도록 했다고하는걸보니.. 수요가 계속 늘어나나보네요Francisco Jeronimo on Twitter. @Apple shipped 90.1 million iPhones in Q4 2020, the largest number ever shipped by any vendor in th…Twitter – Francisco Jeronimo